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Who is involved in the Circus Play Project

Circus Play is a continuation of the Social Circus Myanmar programme of work. We re-branded the name so that we can have a wider reach. The Thai translation name we use is “Play Together” เล่นด้วยกัน

Spark Circus delivered tours, workshops and shows in and around the Mae Sot area and this project is building on the foundations that they established with communities there. A few past members of Spark Circus may join the project in Jan- Feb 2023.

Joy House Youth Arts centre is a brand new project delevopingin Mae Sot. We hope that our Circus Play Project can work with it and run classes there and create a regular, ongoing training space for circus and play arts.

joy house image
Joy House, Mae Sot

Social Circus International are helping us with fundraising by checking our project plan and budget, collecting funds and monitoring that we are delivering to plan.

Help Without Frontiers is our partner that is arranging visits to migrant learning centres and supporting us with local contacts and community integration.

Spoon Circus based in Pai, Thailand brought Artists and Circus Trainers to Mae Sot in Nov and Dec 2024 to support our projects. Thank you Spoon Circus! We have on ongoing plan to develop the work in Thailand together.

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