Project: Phang-nga and Mae Sot, Thailand, winter 2023-24
Following on from the successful delivery of our project in Mae Sot region last winter, we have a project to deliver Circus Workshops and activities in the Phang-nga region in southern Thailand from early November 2023 to early Jan 2024.
The Project will be managed by Jules Howarth (Circus Play and Social Circus Myanmar) and delivered in co-operation with the F.E.D. schools based in Phanga-nga.
In January 2024, the project plans to move to Mae Sot and to deliver workshops in Mae Sot area, based around Joy House project and its network and with learning centres linked to Help Without Frontiers (where we worked with 9 centres last winter).
Where is Phang-nga in Thailand?
Joy House, Mae Sot, Thailand
Call out to tutors, trainers and artists!
We invite interested artists, tutors, trainers and activists to make themselves known to deliver this project. Contact us
We will be working with children and young people and adults from the Burmese (Myanmar) migrant community living in this area. We will also be working with Thai children and communities.
You could be an experienced performer/circus-workshop trainer/tutor, or have other creative skills to offer.
If you have basic skills to be able to deliver circus arts workshops and train young people, then we work as a team and please join us.
Dates – November 6th to about Dec 31st.
No one is getting a fee or paid (except local Thai and Myanmar workers).
*You can spend a week, two weeks or more with us.
*We cannot fund your own airfare to/from Thailand or your travels costs to get to/from Phang-nga. You have to cover those costs yourselves.
*We cannot cover your accommodation on location, but we can find you the best possible place to stay at a basic rental cost. We will provide food for the days you work with us.
*FED will provide travel to and from delivery points.
Yes, we are asking a lot from you, but it will be worthwhile and a wonderful experience and make a measurable difference to hundreds of children, young adults and adults. The language of Circus is universal and speaks of love, support, peace, community, care, hope.
IF you are interested in this project, get in contact.
And if you think you have good skills to offer, please get in contact; we need lots of different skilled people to make this project work.
The project is already underway, so contact us soon 🙂
The project reaches out:
“We are thrilled to inform you that we are highly interested in organizing the Social Circus event in both Phang-Nga and Mae Sot.
Our plan encompasses the following areas and targets:
- Khao Lak and Takuapa Districts in Phang Nga Province: We will focus on the FED Learning Centers, which collectively cater to approximately 700 students aged 4 to 18.
- Kuralaburit Learning Center in Phang-Nga Province: This center serves around 150 students aged between 5 to 14 years old.
- Suratharburi Province: Our collaboration with migrant learning centers in partnership with FED involves approximately 900 students aged between 5 and fifteen years.
In addition to these locations, we are eager to organize events at other migrant schools in Southern Thailand, contingent upon your availability. In Mae Sot, we aim to cover at least four to five locations, focusing on migrant high schools such as CDC and Sarthulay Karen IDPs’ high schools, among others.”