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Crazy idea? Might just work!

Fundraise by finding 1000 people to donate £10 a year!

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Just £10 a year by 1000 people.
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It's a 1000 to 10 chance!

1000 people donate £10 a year - we have a sustainable project!

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Make an annual recurring donation by PayPal in a currency of your choice.
You can use paypal or a debit/credit card.

(If you wish to donate more annually email us and we will set up a method to suit you!)


Annual donation £10

Annual donation £20

Annual donation £30

Annual donation £50


Annual donation EURO €12

Annual donation EURO €23

Annual donation EURO €34


Annual donation USD $13

Annual donation USD $26

Annual donation USD $39


Annual donation NZD $21

Annual donation NZD $42

Annual donation NZD $63


Annual donation AUD $20

Annual donation AUD $40

Annual donation AUD $60


Annual donation CAD $17

Annual donation CAD $34

Annual donation CAD $51

If you experience any technical issues or errors please email: as soon as possible.

Active now!

The Circus Play project Phangna and Mae Sot. November 2023 – February 2024.

We are delighted to say that we have been invited by the Federation for Education and Development
in Phang-na, southern Thailand.
Artists and Tutors wanted!


Future development

With 1000 donors at £10 each we have a sustainable future

Continuing work in Phangna and Mae Sot. Hoping to go back to Myanmar when civil society and democracy is restored.

Training Thai and Myanmar teachers in the circus arts.
Providing more equipment.
Raising more funds from this base  of support. 
Reaching more young people.

Last edition

The Circus Play project in Mae Sot Dec 2022 – Jan 2023 has been completed
Thank you to all who donated and supported the project.
We have had good feedback from the schools and it was an absolute joy to meet and get to work with so very many young people and teachers.

What does £10,000 do?

Project Deliver Costs.
See an Example Budget

*All these costs are spent in the local community
– local travel to workshops,
– daily food for workers
– daily fee for local trainee tutors
– daily fee for local circus tutors
– making equipment locally
– local printing/publicity material/t-shirts for students
– support for accommodation local circus tutor
– support for accommodation visiting international tutor
– support for visa costs

*All these costs are spent outside the local community
– purchase and import of equipment
– website (for information and reporting and promotion)
– fundraising advertising (to bring in more funds)
– support for insurance cover costs
– support for international flights
– fundraising/application writing

What it does NOT get spent on
– Any fees for visiting international tutors
– Any personal expenses.

Donations are made via Social Circus International (SCI)
SCI receives a budget and delivery plan from the project
SCI agrees budget and delivery plan
SCI gathers funds and passes them to the project
Project makes report, accounting/bookkeeping available to SCI and donors

Our Vision

At the heart of the Circus Play is the belief that “Everyone
Needs to Have Fun.”

Inspiring Change through Circus and Play

We believe that Social Circus and Play are useful tools for engaging with children and young adults to support development of their personal skills, empower them to participate fully in civil society and to spread an agenda of sharing, tolerance, diversity and mutual respect.

Our Values: Diversity, Inclusion, Accessibility, Gender Equality, Sharing, Learning through Play and Fun, and Creativity.

The goal of our projects is to build a framework for a locally-led social circus and play network in Thai/Myanmar border area which nurtures and empowers disadvantaged children and young adults, and people living with disabilities.

With tens of thousands of displaced Myanmar people from many ethnic groups living in migrant camps and other locations, the need for some fun and creativity is vital.

Our Circus and Play workshops are important as an informal educational tool to develop confidence, support learning-skills and to build friendships across diverse communities.

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