Circus Play is Go! First full workshops today at FED Unified Learning Centre. Alex Durrant and Jules Howarth lead the first workshops with groups of 36 and 38 students.
We have had great support from Khu Abel and Daw Malee at FED who are helping us to set up and run the sessions. We have met with the Headmistress, the Director of Education and Mr Htoo Chit, the Director. Our plan is in process and space in the school scheule is being created. We have been talking a lot about the educational value of what we can achieve using circus and play tools. We seem set for a good 7 weeks here in this area. More updates as they come.
It’s going to be a bit of a slow start before we can get to 5 days a week delivery, but we are moving forwards to this goal.
In other news: late monsoon downpours and thunderstorms. Running around looking for water pipe to make hula hoops and cloth and plastic beads to make juggling balls, sticks to make spinning plate handsticks. You know you are doing circus if your time is 90 % logisitics, finding, making, fixing and 10% of your time is the actual workshops. #circusintherain #circuseverywhichway.