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Alex Durrant photos Nov 23rd (6)

Mae Sot 2024-25

This season’s project is about to begin in Mae Sot, on the Thai/Myanmar border. See the details below.


This season we are concentrating on Mae Sot where the need for support for Myanmar migrant communities is most important and we have the opportunity for best engagment. We are also reaching out to Thai communities, lead by the work of Joy House.

In Mae Sot, Spark Circus have done outstanding work in developing a regular training space at Stardust Studio (plus outreach programmes) where we will help train young adults to become Circus and Play trainers in their own community ongoing.

Our vision and aim has always been about getting local people to lead the activies themselves and to make the skills and art-forms something driven in their own context. We bring the tools, and pass them on so that they own them and create their own community and their own vision.

We are sure that circus and play make a significant positive difference to social and cultural welfare and mental health – breaking down boundaries, promoting co-operation, promoting gender-equality,  raising confidence and ambition, supporting and talking about accepting difference; developing inclusion of people of all ages, gender, social, ethnic, ability, into a sense of playful and creative arts and skills that benefit society and make for a better world: one that is inclusive, respectful and able to be adaptive to change.

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