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Roll of Honour 2023-24

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Thank you, chin-zu tin ba day, merci, gracias, gràcies, grazie, dank u, danke, obrigado, tak, shukran, diolch, dhanyavād / shukriya, děkuji, mahalo, hvala, M̀h’gōi, Xièxiè, kiitos, tack, terima kasih, dziękuję, ευχαριστώ, köszönöm, arigatô, todah, tänan, takk, 감사합니다 choukrane, nandri, kop khun, teşekkür ederim, спасибо
Welcome to our Roll of Honour 2023-24!
Here you will find a list of the kind people who have donated to support our project in Phang-Nga and Mae Sot winter 2023-24.

Thank you supporters!


David Williams
Leslie Durrant
Daniel Thomas
Jessie Tew
Better Burmese Health Care
Kirtana Mausert
Mariella Mascini

Peter Kellam
Andrea Stelzner
Rachel Jones
Geri Klazema
Guus van Kammen
Edward Fowler
Mark Holdsworth
Mario Russo
Alison McLean
C L durrant
Mike Brockie


Vernon Ford
Martin Goode

Thomas Black
Ali Wiliams
Jude Smith
Barbara Priestley
Jon Perkins
Alex Durrant
Lynn Carter
Sophie Durrant
Jean Noel Walkowiak
Judy Goulston
Amy Harrington
Mark Holdsworth
Dan Leal
Ana Defeugo

Signed up for annual donation

James Kellam
Matthew Indge
Ryan Griffin

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